Privacy Policy

Last Modified Date: January 15, 2024

This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) details the manner in which VacayCraze, LLC (“Company,” “we,” “our,” or “us”) collects, uses, and discloses information when you, the individual user (“you” or “your”) uses our mobile application (the “App”) or otherwise interacts with us via email. If you have any questions about this Policy, please feel free to contact us by using the method included at the bottom of this Policy.

Geographic Restriction

The App is made available to persons located in the United States of America. Company does not market to or otherwise solicit users outside of the United States. Do not use our App if you are located outside of the United States. Use of the App outside of the United States will be entirely at your own risk.

What Information Does Company Collect?

The information that we collect from you when you use the App is included below:

  • When you register for an account in the App, we collect your desired username, password, email address, phone number, country, date of birth, gender and location (collectively, “Account Registration Information”).

  • In connection with using our App, if you choose to plan a trip, we will collect the name of the destination of your trip, the dates you expect to travel, and any sites, attractions, or other locations that you intend to visit (collectively, “Trip Planning Information”).

  • While on your trip, you may make status updates in the App about your trip, upload photographs and videos, and share your location (collectively, “Real Time Trip Information”).

  • The App enables you to follow other users and if you choose to do so, we will collect the usernames of the other users that you choose to follow (collectively, “Followed Users Information”).

  • Our App includes a number of privacy settings that enable you to choose how you wish to share your Trip Planning Information, Real Time Trip Information, and Followed Users. We will collect information on the settings that you input into the App (collectively, “Privacy Settings Information”).

  • If you contact us via email for customer or technical support, or you otherwise contact us with a question or inquiry, we will collect your username, email address, and the content of your message to us (collectively, “Inquiry Information”).

How Does Company Use the Information it Collects?

The manner in which we use the information that we collect from you depends upon your interactions with the App and Company, as detailed in this Section.

  • Account Registration Information is used by Company to: (i) create your account on the App, (ii) authenticate you each time that you log into the App, (iii) enable you to utilize the functionality in the App, (iv) administer customer and technical support, and (v) for our internal business purposes in improving our App and business.

  • Company uses Trip Planning Information to display your trip information in the App and to enable you to add details to and share information about your trip with chosen users. We also use Trip Planning Information to administer customer and technical support and for our internal business purposes in developing new features for the App.

  • To the extent you utilize the functionality, we use Real Time Trip Information to post your updates, photographs, videos, and other content to the App. We also use Real Time Trip Information if you request customer or technical support and in connection with our internal business purposes on improving our App and business.

  • We use Followed Users Information to publish and display to you the users that you follow on the App and to display any content that you may desire to share with users who follow you on the App. We also use Followed Users Information, to the extent relevant, to administer customer and technical support and for our internal business purposes on improving our App and business.

  • Privacy Settings Information is used by Company to apply your privacy settings to your Trip Planning Information, Real Time Trip Information, and Followed Users Information. We also use Privacy Settings Information to administer customer and technical support and for our internal business purposes on developing additional privacy settings and features, and to improve our App and business.

  • Inquiry Information is used by Company to respond to your specific request or inquiry of us.

    Does Company Share Information with Third Parties?

    In connection with making our App available to you, we utilize a number of third party service providers who provide us with an array of services. These third party service providers provide us with data and web hosting, mobile application design and development, marketing, email, software, accounting, and legal services. We only disclose information that we collect from you to these third party service providers if the information is required for the third party service provider to render their services to us.

    We will also disclose information that we have collected from you under the following circumstances, which is subject to any restrictions imposed on us under applicable law, including

in connection with a business reorganization or sale of Company, or legal process, as detailed below:

Business Reorganization or Sale

In the event that all or substantially of our assets are sold to another company or we merge with another organization, then all of the information that we have collected from and about you will be among the assets provided to the acquiring entity, unless otherwise required by applicable law.

Legal Process

If we are required by applicable law to provide information about you, including in response to a subpoena, warrant, or other legal process, we will comply with any such legal requirement. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to challenge any legal request served on us in the appropriate legal forum. Unless otherwise prohibited by applicable law, we will also disclose information that we have collected from or about you if we determine that such a disclosure is required to protect Company or the safety of any third party.

Third Party Hyperlinks

The App includes hyperlinks that redirect you to websites that are not owned or operated by Company (each, a “Third Party Website”). These hyperlinks to Third Party Websites are provided for your convenience and informational purposes only. You hereby acknowledge and agree that Company has no control over any business, information, or privacy practices of any Third Party Website, including any product or services that may be available on or through a Third Party Website. You further acknowledge and agree that your use of any Third Party Website is at your own risk. Company will have no liability to you or any third party in connection with your use of a Third Party Website.

Children’s Online Privacy

Company does not market to or otherwise solicit Personal Information (as defined in this Section) from children who are under the age of thirteen. To use this App, you must be at least eighteen years of age. If you are under the age of eighteen, please do not use the App and please do not provide us with any Personal Information. If you are the parent or legal guardian of a child who is under the age of eighteen and you believe that your child may have provided us with Personal Information, please contact us by using any of the means provided in the Contract Us Section, which is located at the bottom of this Policy and we will promptly remove your child’s Personal Information from our system.

The term “Personal Information,” as used in this Section, has the same meaning as under the U.S. Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (15 U.S.C. § 6501, et. al.) and its regulations, which includes first and last name, home or other physical address, email address, telephone number, social security number, or other identifiers.

Revisions to this Policy

We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to revise this Policy from time to time. If we choose to update this Policy, we will also update the Last Modified Date that is included at the top of this Policy. You hereby acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to routinely check this Policy for updates to these terms. Changes to this Policy will become effective upon their posting. Your use of the App following any change to this Policy shall constitute your unconditional acceptance of any change. If you disagree with a revision, you must immediately cease your use of the App.

Your Options for Your Information

In the event that you desire to review, correct, update, or delete any of the personal information associated with your account, you may do so by contacting us using the contact details included at the bottom of this page under the Section entitled Contact Us. If you choose to communicate to us, please describe your request in sufficient detail to enable us to locate your information or, to contact you for additional information that may be necessary for us to verify the authenticity of your request.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Policy, you may contact us using the following methods:

• Email: